


At right: free pamphlet downloads in alphabetical order by subject.

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Pamphlet Downloads by Topic


The Historical Failure of Anarchism: Implications for the Future of the Revolutionary Project by Christopher Day Publisher: Kasama Project


Cuba: How the Workers & Peasants Made the Revolution
By Chris Slee. Publisher: Resistance Books

Cuba in a Time of Transition
by John Riddell, Phil Cournoyer, Fidel Castro, and Duroyan Fertl
Publisher: Socialist Voice

The Cuban Revolution in the Epoch of Neo-Liberal Globalization
Democratic Socialist Perspective.
Publisher: Resistance Books


An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory
by Ernest Mandel.
Publisher: Resistance Books

Costs of Empire: 'Time-bombs,' Anarchy, Guns and the New Depression by Eddy Laing Publisher: Kasama Project

Financial Meltdown: Canada, the Economic Crisis and Political Struggle, by Leo Panitch, David McNally, Adam Hanieh and others Publisher: Socialist Project

Meltdown! A Socialist View of the Capitalist Crisis
by Tony Iltis, Lee Sustar, John Bellamy Foster, Phil Hearse, Adam Hanieh, Dave Holmes. Publisher: Resistance Books

Post-Capitalist Alternatives: New Perspectives on Economic Democracy by Michael Albert and Ethan Miller
Publisher: Socialist Renewal Publishing Project


Change the System, Not the Climate!
A Socialist View of Global Warming
y Dave Holmes, Terry Townsend and John Bellamy Foster
Publisher: Resistance Books

Confronting the Climate Change Crisis: An Ecosocialist Perspective
by Ian Angus.
Publisher: Climate and Capitalism

The Global fight for Climate Justice
by Ian Angus

Global Warming, Biofuels and World Hunger
by Fidel Castro. Publisher: Socialist Voice

How to Avoid Action on Climate Change
by Ian Angus.
Publisher: Climate and Capitalism

Food and Farming

Food Crisis:
World Hunger, Agribusiness and the Food Sovereignty Alternative

by Ian Angus.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Global Warming, Biofuels and World Hunger
by Fidel Castro. Publisher: Socialist Voice

La Vía Campesina: Farmers North and South Confront Agribusiness
by John Riddell and Adriana Paz Publisher: Socialist Voice

History and Theory

Avakian’s Assessment of Thomas Jefferson: A Critical Reading
by Pavel Andreyev
Publisher: Kasama Project

Can the Working Class Make a Socialist Revolution?
By Ernest Mandel and George Novack.
Publisher: Resistance Books

The Collapse of 'Communism' in the USSR
by Doug Lorimer.
Publisher: Resistance Books

Comintern: Revolutionary Internationalism in Lenin’s Time
by John Riddell.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Cuba: How the Workers & Peasants Made the Revolution
By Chris Slee. Publisher: Resistance Books

The Labour Aristocracy: The Material Basis for Opportunism in the Labour Movement
by Max Elbaum and Robert Seltzer
Publisher: Resistance Books

Marx, Engels, and Darwin
by Ian Angus. Publisher: Socialist Voice

The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism?
by Michael A. Lebowitz. Publisher: Socialist Project

Post-Capitalist Alternatives: New Perspectives on Economic Democracy by Michael Albert and Ethan Miller
Publisher: Socialist Renewal Publishing Project

Slipping Into Darkness: ‘Left’ Economism, the CPUSA, and the Trade Union Unity League (1929-1935) by Mike Ely Publisher: Kasama Project

Why Washington Hates Iran:
A Political Memoir of the Revolution that Shook the Middle East

by Barry Sheppard. Publisher: Socialist Voice

Indigenous Struggles

Bolivia Rising
by Judy Rebick, Rosalía Paiva, Juan Valencia, Edgar Torrez, Marcelo Saavedra-Vargas, Raul Burbano
Publisher: Toronto Bolivia Solidarity

The Fight for Indigenous Rights in the Andes Today
by Hugo Blanco.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

For the Land!
Roots and Revolutionary Dynamics of Indigenous Struggles in Canada

by Mike Krebs.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

From Resistance to Power!
Manifestos of the fight for Indigenous Rights.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Indigenous Uprising: Bolivia and the Latin American Revolution
by Carlos Torchia, Cecilia Rosalia Paiva, and Raul Burbano
Publisher: Toronto Bolivia Solidarity

Imperialism and War

Canada’s Assault on Afghanistan: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups
by Roger Annis & Ian Beeching.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Haiti and the Myth of Canadian Peacekeeping
by Roger Annis.
Publisher: Socialist Voice


Revolution in India: Lalgarh’s Hopeful Spark
by Sam Shell
Publisher: Kasama Project


Ambush at Keystone No.1: Inside the Coal Miners' Great Gas Protest by Mike Ely Publisher: Kasama Project

The Auto Industry: Concretizing Working Class Solidarity (2004)
by Sam Ginden. Publisher: Socialist Project

Can the Working Class Make a Socialist Revolution?
By Ernest Mandel and George Novack.
Publisher: Resistance Books

The Crisis in Manufacturing Jobs
by Socialist Project Labour Committee.
Publisher: Socialist Project

The Labour Aristocracy: The Material Basis for Opportunism in the Labour Movement
by Max Elbaum and Robert Seltzer
Publisher: Resistance Books

Labour Movement Platform (May 2008)
by Socialist Project Labour Committee.
Publisher: Socialist Project

Slipping Into Darkness: ‘Left’ Economism, the CPUSA, and the Trade Union Unity League (1929-1935) by Mike Ely Publisher: Kasama Project

Latin America and Caribbean

Bolivia's Road to Revolution
by Hugo Salvatierra
. Publisher: Toronto Bolivia Solidarity

Bolivia Rising
by Judy Rebick, Rosalía Paiva, Juan Valencia, Edgar Torrez, Marcelo Saavedra-Vargas, Raul Burbano
Publisher: Toronto Bolivia Solidarity

Cuba: How the Workers & Peasants Made the Revolution
By Chris Slee. Publisher: Resistance Books

Cuba in a Time of Transition
by John Riddell, Phil Cournoyer, Fidel Castro, and Duroyan Fertl
Publisher: Socialist Voice

The Fight for Indigenous Rights in the Andes Today
by Hugo Blanco.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Global Warming, Biofuels and World Hunger
by Fidel Castro. Publisher: Socialist Voice

Haiti and the Myth of Canadian Peacekeeping
by Roger Annis.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Ideas for the Struggle
by Marta Harnecker
(Translated by Federico Fuentes)

Indigenous Uprising: Bolivia and the Latin American Revolution
by Carlos Torchia, Cecilia Rosalia Paiva, and Raul Burbano
Publisher: Toronto Bolivia Solidarity

The Oaxaca Commune: The Other Indigenous Rebellion in Mexico
Richard Roman and Edur Velasco Arregui. Publisher: Socialist Project

The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism?
by Michael A. Lebowitz. Publisher: Socialist Project

Venezuela and the International Struggle for Socialism
by John Riddell, Roger Annis, Ian Angus and Federico Fuentes
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Venezuela Eyewitness
by Suzanne Weiss and John Riddell  Publisher: Socialist Voice

Marxist Classics

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
by Frederick Engels. Introduction by Pat Brewer.

Publisher: Resistance Books

Middle East

Anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the Defense of Palestinian Rights
by Suzanne Weiss.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

Canada’s Assault on Afghanistan: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups
by Roger Annis & Ian Beeching.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

The Middle East in Flames
by Gilbert Achcar, Alice Gray, John McAnulty, Piers Mostyn, and Roland Rance.

Why Washington Hates Iran:
A Political Memoir of the Revolution that Shook the Middle East

by Barry Sheppard. Publisher: Socialist Voice


Indian Maoists Speak: On International Controversies Among Communists by Communist Party of India (Maoist) Publisher: Kasama Project

On the Maobadi and the Crisis in Nepal
Kasama Articles
Publisher: Kasama Project

Two Lines Over Maoist Revolution In Nepal: Five Letters
Communist Party Of Nepal (Maoist) and the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Publisher: Kasama Project


Critiquing Religion Without Understanding It: Avakian’s Away With All Gods! by Pavel Andreyev Publisher: Kasama Project

Socialist Strategy and Tactics

At a Fork in the Road: A Debriefing on the RCP
by Bill Martin
Publisher: Kasama Project

Can the Working Class Make a Socialist Revolution?
By Ernest Mandel and George Novack.
Publisher: Resistance Books

Comintern: Revolutionary Internationalism in Lenin’s Time
by John Riddell.
Publisher: Socialist Voice

The Crisis in Manufacturing Jobs
by Socialist Project Labour Committee.
Publisher: Socialist Project

How to Make a Revolution & Liberalism, Ultraleftism or Mass Action
by Peter Camejo. Publisher: Resistance Books

Ideas for the Struggle
by Marta Harnecker
(Translated by Federico Fuentes) Publisher: Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Indian Maoists Speak: On International Controversies Among Communists by Communist Party of India (Maoist) Publisher: Kasama Project

Nine Letters To Our Comrades: Getting Beyond Avakian’s New Synthesis by Mike Ely Publisher: Kasama Project

The Path to Human Development: Capitalism or Socialism?
by Michael A. Lebowitz. Publisher: Socialist Project

Shaping the Kasama Project: Contributing to Revolution's Long March by Enzo Rhyner, J.B. Connors, John Steele, Kobayashi Maru, Mike Ely, Rita Stephan, Rosa Harris Publisher: Kasama Project

The True Nature of a Revolutionary Marxist Party and Its Common Distortions by Ann Roberston and Bill Leumer Publisher: Workers Action

Whose Health Care?
Challenging the Corporate Struggle to Rule Our System

by Hugh Armstrong and others. Publisher: Socialist Project

Whose Violence?
Imperial State Security and the Global Justice Movement

by Leo Panitch. Publisher: Socialist Project

Women's Rights

Abortion: A Woman's Right to Choose
Claudine Holt, Pip Hinman and Lisa Macdonald
Publisher: Resistance Books

The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
by Frederick Engels. Introduction by Pat Brewer.

Publisher: Resistance Books


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