Author: Jim Percy; Introduction by Dave Holmes
Publisher: Resistance Books, Australia
Published 2008
212 pages
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Resistance Books
Building the
Revolutionary Party
Selected Writings of Jim Percy, 1980-1987
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This volume of writings and speeches by Jim Percy,
one of the founders of the Democratic Socialist Perspective and its
longtime central leader until his death in 1992, spans the years 1980 to
This was a period of considerable ferment in Australian and world
politics. In 1978 and 1979 anti-imperialist revolutions took place in
Afghanistan, Iran, Grenada and Nicaragua. At home, the March 1983
federal elections resulted in the ouster of the Fraser government and
the beginning of more than a decade of ALP rule under Hawke and Keating.
Labour's general neoliberal orientation and the experience of the ALP-ACTU's
wage-restraining Accord produced significant disillusionment.
Through this period the DSP (or Socialist Workers Party as it was then)
remained a small cadre organisation but it was extremely active and
reacted with considerable dynamism to the political openings that
presented themselves.
It also engaged in some significant rethinking — on Trotskyism and the
Fourth International, its international connections, the Labor Party,
and how to build a mass socialist party.
This collection provides a fascinating insight into the thinking of a
talented and committed revolutionary leader and the problems of building
a militant socialist organisation in a developed capitalist country.