Author: Ron Ridenour
Publisher: Resistance Books (England)
ISBN: 978-0902869950
Publication Date: 2007
Trade Paperback
124 pages
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Cuba: Beyond the Crossroads
(Expanded Edition)
by Ron Ridenour
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Ron Ridenour, the celebrated writer on Cuban and
Central American politics, presents a new expanded edition of his book,
Cuba: Beyond the Crossroads, updated to cover Fidel Castro's withdrawal
from power during his long illness in 2007.
A committed revolutionary, anti-war activist,
and supporter of the Cuban revolution, Ridenour gathers report and
accounts of his extended journey in Cuba in 2006, together with
up-to-date analysis of Cuba today.
"Regardless of whether of not Cuba has
achieved socialism - it is a long process, after all - the Cuban
people and its government are more than worthy of our love and
support. They have done no harm to the world and they have helped
many millions of people in many lands. They have held out against
'the enemy of humanity' to quote from the Sandinista anthem. In so
doing, they have held out hope for billions of us."
"The main hindrance to worker control, to
real socialism, is the world domination by capitalism and
imperialism. The fact that the United States lays but 150 kilometers
away is the greatest hindrance. I believe, however, that if the
Cuban leadership had had more trust in the working class back in the
mid-60s, once US military attacks were turned back and the internal
counter-revolution defeated, it would have gradually turned over to
the workers significant say in productive relations and in making
local and national policies."
By the same author:
Cuba at Sea |